Property Collections

‍One of the fundamental reasons for collecting properties in Upland is to complete unique and interesting property collections. Completing collections allows you to collect that collection as an achievement, earns you a one-time UPX bonus (dependent on rarity), and boosts your property earnings while the properties are in that collection.

Understanding Rarity

There are several rarities of properties in Upland that are determined by their popularity, influence, and historical value. Each city is carefully researched to understand the most prominent areas of the city and what makes them special. After collecting the necessary data, the Upland team designs what areas of the city become collections. They are sorted into five categories:

  • Standard: The most common properties in Upland with no notable influence or historical impact.

  • Limited: This rarity typically denotes large, popular areas like a well-known neighborhood or street.

  • Exclusive: This rarity is reserved for well-known streets or neighborhoods that are far more limited in terms of availability and exclusivity.

  • Rare: This rarity includes some of the rarest properties in Upland, and are usually a based on some of the most influential areas of the city.

  • Ultra-Rare: This rarity includes the absolute rarest and most exclusive properties in each city. These are usually custom collections and can include anything from the most famous bars in a city to the most famous nightclubs. Ultra-Rare properties are incredibly sought after due to their high value on the secondary market and their massive yield boosts.

One-Time Bonus & Holding Periods

Players will have to hold their properties in a collection for a fixed period of time before their one-time bonus is awarded. It is important to note, however, that players will still gain access to boosted earnings regardless of the holding period. In other words, this change only applies to the one-time bonus, not boosted earnings. Depending on the rarity, each collection will be subject to a different holding period as outlined below:

  • Standard Collections: No Timer

  • Limited Collections: 7 Days

  • Exclusive Collections: 21 Days

  • Rare Collections: 30 Days

  • Ultra-Rare Collections: 30 Days

Boosting Your Earnings

Leveraging the Earnings Boost is one of the most valuable strategies in Upland, as it can substantially increase your passive property earnings. For example, if you have a property that's worth 100,000 UPX, it will generate you 14,700 UPX (14.7%) annually with no collection status. However, if it's placed in a collection that boosts your yield by 2x, you'll now earn 29,400 UPX annually; so long as it stays in that collection.

Maximizing Collection Potential

While some properties can be included in multiple collections, you can only leave them in one collection at a time. You'll have to do your research to ensure you're maximizing your property earnings at all times.

Last updated